Ok.. this script is very usefull in the studio that im working.
I made it for my partners so they can do things that take a while if they did it by hand.
It very simple to use. Just add 1 or more objects in list1(Pressing the buton "LIST1") and do the same with other objects with list2.
Depending on the amount of objects in list1, the action has different effect:
If you have only 1 object in list1, this object will affect all the objects in list2.
If you have the same amount in both lists, this will affect one per one (first obj in list1 to first obj in list2, and so on).
ACTIONS Between lists:
1. Parent the objects in list 1 to the objects of the list 2.
2. Make clusters for the cvs that are in the list 1
(you have to select the cvs and put it in the list before u make the clusters).
3. Copy the transforms (translate, rotate, scale) for the objects of the list 1 to the objects of the list 2
4. Connect attributes from list1 to list2.
5. Constraint from list1 to list2.
6. Transfer UVs.
7. Rename Duplicates. This is not for the list, this just search in all the objects and if its find someone with the name of other it will renameit.
ACTIONS for list Only:
If u press right mouse button u have 3 more actions for that list:
1. Select the objects in the list.
2. Rename the objects in the list.
3. Make Controls for the objects.
You cand downloadit from here.
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