And Here is a better one =)!!!!

Mel Batch!!!!

This is my second program made in PyQt, but the first to be public.
This program is made for people how have some knowldege in mel language.

This is a utility that I made to run a list of scripts to a list of maya files.

How To:

1-Add the maya files to the top list.

2-Set the project if you need it.

3-Add the mel files to the bottom list.

4-You can turn off some mels or maya files without taking out from their lists, just take out the tic from the selected file.

5-And at last, push the big button "Batch It!". It will automatically save the scene after finishing with all the scripts.

6-You can save or load config files. It will save all the information at the moment (the maya and mel file list, their tic state and the project directory).

I only tested on windows xp (64 and 32).

Posible use:

-For clean
-For render
-For import
-For bake

Use it and tell me the results!!! =)

You can download it from HERE

Best regards, Ignacio Urruty

sk_setLayers =)

Another gift!!!!

This one is a script for create all the common renderlayers.

You can make 6 types of render layers:
-Lig (Its the raw pass for every light that you add to the UI, create a contribution map and a beauty pass without shadow for every light)
-zDepth(Its a white to black map of the scene, I use the preset of maya to create it)
-Diffuse(Its the scene with an ambient light added to it)
-Occ(Its the preset of maya)
-Shadow(Creates a background shader and you have to select the light that makes the shadow)
-Layer For Selec (Select all the mesh that you want to make a render layer for)

How to use:
1. Source and type sk_setLayers
2. Check the renders layers that you want to make
3. Select the geometry you want to add to the render layers and press "Add Objects"
4. Select the lights you want to add to the render layers and press "Add Lights"
5. Press "Create Layers".

For use Layer For Selec:
1. Select all the objects that you want to make a render layer for it.
2. Press "Layer For Selec"

If you have problems with the script let me know.

You can download it from HERE

Best regards, Ignacio Urruty

Shader for rendermannn!!!!!!


Its a shader for renderman, that I made for a production.
The Shader its very simple, Its a Lambert Shader Type, that accepts texture for color.

The Power of the shader is that you can output the lights separately.
Also you could get the zdepth, the Diffuse and an objId.

Output Passes:

color AOV_DiffuseColor
float AOV_zdepth
color AOV_objId
color AOV_LightRaw_1
color AOV_LightRaw_2
color AOV_LightRaw_3
color AOV_LightRaw_4
color AOV_LightRaw_5
color AOV_LightRaw_6
color AOV_LightRaw_7
color AOV_LightRaw_8
color AOV_LightRaw_9
color AOV_LightRaw_10

You can edit it to get more than 10 lights per shader.
I didn't found a good way to create output passes in real time, so it doesn't matter how many light you have in the scene.

Well, I hope someone could make use of it.

You can download it from..... here.

Best Regards, Nachito

First Shareeee!!! sk_listActions (mel Script)

Ok.. this script is very usefull in the studio that im working.
I made it for my partners so they can do things that take a while if they did it by hand.
It very simple to use. Just add 1 or more objects in list1(Pressing the buton "LIST1") and do the same with other objects with list2.
Depending on the amount of objects in list1, the action has different effect:
If you have only 1 object in list1, this object will affect all the objects in list2.
If you have the same amount in both lists, this will affect one per one (first obj in list1 to first obj in list2, and so on).

ACTIONS Between lists:
1. Parent the objects in list 1 to the objects of the list 2.
2. Make clusters for the cvs that are in the list 1
(you have to select the cvs and put it in the list before u make the clusters).
3. Copy the transforms (translate, rotate, scale) for the objects of the list 1 to the objects of the list 2
4. Connect attributes from list1 to list2.
5. Constraint from list1 to list2.
6. Transfer UVs.
7. Rename Duplicates. This is not for the list, this just search in all the objects and if its find someone with the name of other it will renameit.

ACTIONS for list Only:
If u press right mouse button u have 3 more actions for that list:
1. Select the objects in the list.
2. Rename the objects in the list.
3. Make Controls for the objects.

You cand downloadit from here.


Let's start to share in a big way!!!!

I will start to share all my mel scritps, Macros for Fusion, scripts for Fusion, Python programs (There is only 1, and is in beta version =P), Renderman Shaders and some bats (command line XP).
Well thats all. lets start!!!
